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To: Durham City Council, Durham Commissioners

Back In the Black: 45% of ARPA to Black-Led Projects

Back in the Black is a group of individuals, businesses and organizations that want more people to have access to ARPA, an unprecedented $100 million in federal funds being given to the City and County of Durham to address negative impacts of COVID-19.

Durham's Back in the Black coalition demands that Durham city and county allocate 45% of funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to Black-led Businesses, Organizations and Individuals. 38% of all firms in the city are Black and 38% is the population is Black.

**The racialized impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has only heightened systemic inequality and the Black-wealth divide.
**The U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics reported a 10.2% unemployment rate for Whites and 15.8% for Blacks in June 2020. By June 2021 the unemployment rate was 5.4% for Whites and 9.8% for Blacks.
**Black-owned businesses declined by 41% between February and April 2020.
**Rent increased in Durham 36.4% between 2010 and 2017. Median home sale prices climbed 15.7% in just one year (2017-2018.)
**The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is giving $350 billion to local and state governments to address impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. Durham City is receiving over $50 million and Durham County approx $62 million.
**The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) guidance for ARPA specifically encourages local governments to think boldly about catalytic and transformational projects that can make a lasting, positive difference in your communities - as long as the funding meets the basic Rescue Plan tests.
**The “10 Priorities for Advancing Racial Equity Through the American Rescue Plan: A Guide for City and County Policymakers” recommends cities name racial equity as a goal and stabilize the businesses of people of color and immigrants
**In 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau reported 21,339 firms in the City of Durham. This includes 8,303 firms that are classified as minority-owned, which is roughly 38% of all firms in the city

The embedded racism in our society must be met with an honest response of a just apportionment of 45 percent of funds towards Black and Black led projects.

Why is this important?

Studies show that closing key racial gaps in this country will result in adding trillions of dollars to the U.S. economy. It is imperative that we consider ARPA funds as an opportunity to alleviate the twin burdens of being impacted by both racism and a global health crisis.

DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE OVER $100 MILLION IN ARPA FUNDS? Would you like your voice to be included? We are a broad coalition of individuals, businesses and organizations that want more people to have access to ARPA. Complete this quick survey to tell the community about you:

More about the American Rescue Plan Act and Racial Equity
Durham, NC, USA

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2021-11-04 12:23:39 -0700

1,000 signatures reached

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2021-08-25 12:43:57 -0700

10 signatures reached