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To: DR. WAYNE A. I. FREDERICK , Howard University Board of Trustees

Howard University Students Demand Action from Administration and Trustees

For Immediate Release: October 13th, 2021

The Howard University Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People stands in solidarity with our fellow Howard University student body. We stand in solidarity with the student body who has continuously been ignored and mistreated. We stand in solidarity with the student body who declared that enough is enough.

We applaud them for having the courage to follow in the footsteps of the students who came before us, mirroring the A-Building Protest of 1968, and shutting down the Blackburn Student Center.

The Howard University Chapter of the NAACP is inspired by the courage of these students and hope that other Howard organizations will follow suit. We echo the demands that the student protesters have listed:

1) In-person town hall with President Frederick & Administration scheduled before the end of October.
2) Commit (in writing) to Authorizing the HUSA President and GSA Chair to have Voting Power on the Board of Trustees.
3) Reinstate ALL Affiliate Trustee Positions ( Students, Faculty, and Alumni) on the Board of Trustees.
4) The President and Chairman of the Board Propose a Meeting with Student Leadership Outlining their “Housing Plan” to protect the incoming classes of Howard’s immediate future.

Howard University administration must end their willingness to ignore student voices and come up with immediate solutions to the poor conditions on Howard’s Campus.

We will continue to support these students in their protest and call on others to participate in a manner that the late John Lewis would call Good Trouble.

Why is this important?

It is important that students, alumni, faculty, and all concerned, stand in active solidarity with the protesting student body. The footprint we leave on this campus must put a dent in the injustice the classes after us may be forced to endure. The legacy we choose to leave must be one of the excellence we exude off campus. No more #HomelessatHoward, no more flooding dorms and lack of resources. No more Howard run-around. We must find solutions today.
2400 6th St NW, Washington, DC 20059, USA

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