Petition is successful with 2,146 signatures
To: Chairman Jim Kimel, Jr. & Director Charlie Collicutt, Guilford County Board of Elections
#LetAggiesVote: Stop Erasing Aggie Voices
Congratulations! With your support on our OrganizeFor platform, we were able to effectively organize a campaign to demand an Early Voting polling site on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University! It is because of the work of Color Of Change members like you, that the Guilford County Board of Elections has voted in favor of establishing a primary early voting site on campus.
Cole Riley, a Color Of Change member, launched this campaign after he saw the confusion of his peers who didn’t know when or where they would vote since the campus is split between two precincts and the primary falls during A&T’s Spring Break. Cole is a sophomore, political science major at A&T and took action on behalf of his community to ensure that Chair, Jim Kimel and the Board of Elections lived up to their stated values of “maximizing voter registration and voter turnout efforts”. Voting barriers across North Carolina are a reminder of the suppression tactics that Black people face each election cycle. Your action forced the Guilford County Board of Elections to vote for an early voting polling site on campus and students will be able to make their voices heard!
Our OrganizeFor platform was created to empower people like you to create the change you want to see in your community. You can start your own campaign at
Thank you to all of our leaders, members, and supporters creating change and empowering our communities. Congratulations to Cole Riley and the students at A&T!