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To: Magistrate Judge Rozella A. Oliver

No Bail for Ed Buck!

Sign the petition to keep Black men in Los Angeles County safe.

Why is this important?

On September 25, 2020, Ed Buck who is charged with nine federal counts – including one count alleging that Buck knowingly enticed 26-year-old Gemmel Moore to travel to the Los Angeles area to engage in sex work--will ask a judge in Los Angeles to be released on bail.

Buck allegedly provided methamphetamine to Gemmel Moore who overdosed on the drug and died on July 27, 2017. Buck also is charged with another count of enticing another man to travel with the intent of engaging in prostitution.

On January 7, 2019, Timothy Dean died of a methamphetamine overdose in Ed Buck's apartment.

Last year, a federal grand jury returned a five-count indictment charging that Buck “engaged in a pattern of soliciting men to consume drugs that Buck provided and perform sexual acts at Buck’s apartment,” which is a practice described as “party and play.” Buck allegedly solicited victims on social media platforms, including a gay dating website, and used a recruiter to scout and proposition men.

Buck also faces charges, including operating a drug house, that were filed last year by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

With at least $3.4 million in liquid assets, Ed Buck is a flight risk and danger to the community. There's no guarantee that he will stick around to face charges in the deaths of Gemmel Moore and Timothy Dean.

Ed Buck's attorneys have said that he would sign a $400,000 appearance bond, surrender his passport, and would agree to electronic monitoring if released, but most of Buck's crimes were committed in his apartment. Gemmel Moore overdosed and died in Buck's apartment followed by Timothy Dean a year and a half later. Last year, Joe Doe overdosed inside of Buck's apartment, but thankfully lived to tell the authorities about it. Confining Buck to his "home" doesn't guarantee the safety of the community--in fact, it's just the opposite.

Even if the courts mandated that Buck cannot use a computer, fly people into town, or use social media dating sites, there is nothing in his history to indicate that Buck would change his previous behavior that led to the deaths of two men and the near-death of countless others.

How it will be delivered

The signatures will be emailed and delivered in person to the Court and to the federal prosecutors.

Los Angeles County, CA, USA

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2020-09-23 13:23:46 -0700

1,000 signatures reached

2020-09-22 06:56:18 -0700

500 signatures reached

2020-09-15 20:58:11 -0700

100 signatures reached

2020-09-15 18:20:22 -0700

50 signatures reached

2020-09-15 17:50:40 -0700

25 signatures reached

2020-09-15 17:44:02 -0700

10 signatures reached