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To: Governor Nathan Deal, Mayor of Atlanta, Atlanta City Council, Atlanta General Assembly

Remove the Statues, Name of Hospital, High School, etc. of Henry W. Grady in Georgia

Remove the Statues and Names of Hospital, High School, County, and courthouse of Henry W. Grady in Georgia. Mr. Grady was a white Confederate supremacist and his name and busts should be removed in the state of Georgia.
"A member of the Atlanta Ring of Democratic political leaders, Grady used his office and influence to promote a New South program of northern investment, southern industrial growth, diversified farming, and white supremacy".

Why is this important?

This racist reminder of the South is dated and a High School, prominent Hospital, statues, etc. should bear the name of a worthy Georgian that helped shape the state, not serve as a division.

Atlanta, GA, United States

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2019-02-09 08:44:47 -0800

10 signatures reached