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To: Gov. Larry Hogan

Speak Up For Maryland, Larry Hogan Speak Up Against Trumpcare!

It's no longer acceptable for Gov. Hogan to sit silent as members of his party in the Congress plan to strip the people of Maryland of healthcare, and 52,000 jobs in the name of tax cuts for the rich.

Gov. Larry Hogan has said that the Affordable Care Act "must be changed to preserve access to health insurance", well under Trumpcare access will be stripped from Black and other marginalized communities. Gov. Larry Hogan can not sit silently as 347,000 people of Maryland lose their healthcare, and thousands of others see their premiums rise. Instead of supporting Trumpcare which would do irreparable harm to Black communities Gov. Larry Hogan can take a stand on behalf of his constituents and fight to preserve and expand access to healthcare.

Why is this important?

Gov. Larry Hogan has been avoiding taking any public stance of consequence on Trump's effort to end the Affordable Care Act. With a large Black constituency, Gov. Hogan knows how important affordable health care is to communities such as Baltimore, Prince George's County, and to all Marylanders across the state with 52,000 jobs at stake and 347,000 people who would be without healthcare insurance in Maryland alone.

The Affordable Care Act has lowered the rate of the uninsured, shrinking the gap in access to healthcare coverage between Black and white Americans, between rich Americans and poor Americans, and between Americans in cities, and Americans living in rural communities. Gov. Hogan must represent the entire state of Maryland rather than working to protect his reputation. It's time for Gov. Hogan to show the people of Maryland he's willing to work for them first as Trump and the Republicans assault their right to healthcare!

Gov. Larry Hogan has to remember that his first duty is to the people of Maryland, not angling towards a run at national office. Gov. Larry Hogan has avoided choosing between upsetting conservatives nationally and supporting constituents at home, but the time for caution is over! The Affordable Care Act not only provides life-saving coverage but also increased investment in healthcare that produces jobs in communities where they are sorely needed. It's no longer acceptable for Gov. Hogan to sit silent as Trump and members of his party in the Congress plan to strip the people of Maryland of healthcare, and 52,000 jobs in the name of tax cuts for the rich.

Gov. Hogan ignores all of these benefits while sitting by as Republicans rush to pass Trumpcare as quickly as possible. This moment offers Gov Hogan a stark choice: he can continue his path of political cowardice enabling Trump's agenda or he can speak and count himself among those resisting Trump and his Republican friends in Congress to protect the lives of Marylanders.

Thank you,
A Concerned Marylander
MD, United States

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2017-03-15 12:18:43 -0700

1,000 signatures reached

2017-03-15 10:46:48 -0700

500 signatures reached

2017-03-14 18:11:54 -0700

100 signatures reached

2017-03-14 17:56:55 -0700

50 signatures reached

2017-03-14 17:51:17 -0700

25 signatures reached

2017-03-14 17:49:01 -0700

10 signatures reached