There are approximately 20,000 people detained in jail pre-trial in Illinois. Those who are citizens have the right to vote in elections. However, without a formal process in place, voting in jail is nearly impossible for people awaiting trial.
This bill requires county jails and election authorities to collaborate in creating a process that ensures people on pre-trial can cast their ballot during elections.
In any given year, there are approximately 30,000 people who return from prison. Those who are citizens are eligible to vote in Illinois upon release. Yet many of these citizens do not register to vote because they believe that their past criminal conviction disqualifies them.
This bill requires the Illinois Department of Corrections and each county jail to provide eligible citizens released from their custody a voter registration application.
There are approximately 4 million residents of Illinois who have a past felony conviction, all of whom are eligible to vote. Yet, many of these individuals are not aware of their right to vote.
This bill requires the Illinois Department of Corrections to provide citizens released from their custody detailed information about their voting rights.
Chicago Votes, Illinois Justice Project, The Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, ACLU, and 38 supporting organizations ask Governor Rauner to support this historic piece of legislation.
*Note: Governor Rauner vetoed HB4469. This is round two with SB 2090 and new administration!