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To: Bay News 9

Bay News 9: Pay to Play

This campaign has ended.

Bay News 9: We, the undersigned, are disappointed in your irresponsible decision to participate in exclusionary practices regarding the Decision 2019 Mayoral Debate. We demand that all voices of every Mayoral candidate is heard, regardless of campaign donation amounts. It is negligent on your behalf, as one of the largest media providers, to exclude ideas impacting the voters of Tampa. Practices like this are dangers to democracy. We, the undersigned, demand full inclusion of ALL Mayoral candidates in your upcoming debate.

Why is this important?

The voters of Tampa believe they have a right to accessible & equitable exposure to ALL mayor candidate platforms. As one of the largest media outlets in the Tampa Bay area, it is Bay News 9's duty to provide a platform for all mayoral candidates in their upcoming televised debate on January 9th. Excluding candidates based on monetary requirements circumvents the very democracy our community thrives within. Bay News 9's actions have demonstrated a monetary standard is required to ensure a seat at the table. As a result of their discriminatory behavior, the network plans to exclude the only Black candidate in the race. This type of negligent behavior is a blow to our democratic process. The community of Tampa rejects these prejudice practices and calls for Bay News 9 to include the voices of ALL mayoral candidates in the upcoming televised debate.
Tampa, FL, USA

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2018-12-23 09:10:48 -0800

Thank you all for your support! Your voices have empowered our community call to action. We have recently received confirmation that ALL candidates have been invited to the BN9 Mayoral Debate on Jan. 9th.

2018-12-21 05:39:08 -0800

50 signatures reached

2018-12-20 18:07:41 -0800

25 signatures reached

2018-12-20 15:56:54 -0800

10 signatures reached