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To: Hopewell Township Mayor Kristin McLaughlin

Demand accountability and an end to racism in the Hopewell Township Police Department!

We are calling for Hopewell Township Mayor Kristin McLaughlin to dismantle the entire police department and completely rebuild it beginning with the removal of Chief of Police Lance Maloney IMMEDIATELY. Moving forward we have three basic demands for the reconstructed Hopewell Police Department.

- A rigorous hiring practice that demands accountability of all officers, takes into account exposure to or lack of experiences with diverse communities, and education or equivalent experience. There should also be allocation of funds to provide qualified candidates with a lack of experience with education and training.

- Racial bias and discrimination training twice yearly throughout the entire department.

- Transparency of any internal and on-duty incidents regarding police misconduct.

We are also demanding that Sergeant Sherman be returned to duty effective immediately.

Why is this important?

We have watched, marched, fought for policy changes, yet still for centuries Black people in America have been misrepresented and mistreated by the same laws set to “protect & serve” the many.

The non-action by the Hopewell Chief of Police Lance Maloney since 2017 when Officer Sherman reported racial injustices and comments against him directly has made it clear that there is deep-rooted systemic racism throughout the Hopewell Township Police department.
Hopewell Township, NJ, USA

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2020-06-17 13:47:18 -0700

500 signatures reached

2020-06-13 12:42:25 -0700

100 signatures reached

2020-06-13 10:53:56 -0700

50 signatures reached

2020-06-13 10:52:46 -0700

25 signatures reached

2020-06-13 10:52:20 -0700

10 signatures reached