100 signatures reached
To: Chamber of Commerce
Equal Pay for Black Women

Equal pay for equal work. Women deserve the same pay as men when they are working in the same roles.
Why is this important?
Black women are being exploited by their employers. Black women are still earning $0.63 for every dollar a man is paid, despite being America's most educated people. We are attaining education at a rate unmatched by any other demographic by both race and gender, a higher percentage of black women are enrolled in college than any other group, topping Asian women, white women, and white men. Despite this, our work is not rewarded with the same wages as the other groups. We demand the Chamber of Commerce act in a decisive manner to guarantee its members end this racist, and sexist, exploitative condition.
It is important that Black women are paid equally because we know we must work harder to reach our goals. We are navigating the listed requirements of our jobs while also providing labor to make sure our presentation conforms to racist and sexist standards. Our work is stolen and our words are appropriated while we get a fraction of the compensation men receive for work that would not exist without us. People still think a "man" can do a better job than a woman largely because men keep stealing the work of women. By demanding pay equity we are also demanding that the work of Black women is finally recognized for its value and that we are recognized for the labor we render to make it so.
The Chamber of Commerce is the organizing body for America's businesses and it is past time they take responsibility for their members racist, misogynist policies. We will band together and force the Chamber to acknowledge the exploitation of Black women as the first step towards justice. Once we make the Chamber acknowledge the systemic racism and sexism of their member's current policies, we will demand that they take substantive steps to address Black women being exploited by demanding their members audit their payroll data and review pay disparity between their current employees. We will also demand they offer paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, and affordable childcare to all of their employees. In addition to these steps, an audit and regular study using member payroll data would be necessary to ensure ongoing efforts are successful.
It is important that Black women are paid equally because we know we must work harder to reach our goals. We are navigating the listed requirements of our jobs while also providing labor to make sure our presentation conforms to racist and sexist standards. Our work is stolen and our words are appropriated while we get a fraction of the compensation men receive for work that would not exist without us. People still think a "man" can do a better job than a woman largely because men keep stealing the work of women. By demanding pay equity we are also demanding that the work of Black women is finally recognized for its value and that we are recognized for the labor we render to make it so.
The Chamber of Commerce is the organizing body for America's businesses and it is past time they take responsibility for their members racist, misogynist policies. We will band together and force the Chamber to acknowledge the exploitation of Black women as the first step towards justice. Once we make the Chamber acknowledge the systemic racism and sexism of their member's current policies, we will demand that they take substantive steps to address Black women being exploited by demanding their members audit their payroll data and review pay disparity between their current employees. We will also demand they offer paid family and medical leave, paid sick days, and affordable childcare to all of their employees. In addition to these steps, an audit and regular study using member payroll data would be necessary to ensure ongoing efforts are successful.