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To: The Oakland Unified School District Board of Education (OUSD)

Justice for Oakland Students: Hire Local, Long-term Superintendent

Hire a local, long-term Superintendent who will fight for and ensure Black, Brown, and all High-Need students in OUSD get the education they deserve! #newoaklandsuperintendent #justice4oaklandstudents #J4OS

Why is this important?

Please join us in this effort by: 1) Signing this petition and 2) Sharing this link with the hashtags: #newoaklandsuperintendent #justice4oaklandstudents #J4OS

The revolving door of Superintendents in OUSD has resulted in the majority of African American, Latino and other under-served students failing to get the supports they need to thrive. We can’t afford more of the same – we need a new kind of Superintendent (non-Broad trained) who will turn this district around so all of our students graduate college and career ready. It is critical our next leader has the courage to take a stand against the anti-Black, anti-immigrant political climate fostered in by Trump and “the Right”. We need a leader who will work to end the criminalization and displacement of low-income, working class youth of color and their families in Oakland. We need a leader who understands that power, resources, support and decision-making – when put in the hands of those most impacted at the school sites – results in better outcomes for students.

Our Board of Education needs to know our community is stepping forward to hold them accountable for:

1) Engaging the community in the hiring process:
Establish a Board committee with the responsibility to engage all stakeholders (students, parents/families, educators) in defining Superintendent hiring criteria and in the interview process.

2) Selecting a new permanent Superintendent who:
• Will bring a vision and system-wide plan for real results for African-American, Latino, and all High-Need students, based on the priorities set by students and families.
• Will ensure budget equity by prioritizing direct funding to schools, not in high salaries in Central office.
• Is committed to principles of: social justice, meaningful engagement of students and parents, and democratic decision-making and shared governance.
• Will end the proliferation of charter schools, provide more oversight of existing charter schools and reinvest in making all in-district schools excellent.
• Believes schools are part of community transformation and will work towards transforming OUSD as a quality full-service community school district.
• Will retain and support teachers by: Increasing pay, training and diversity.
• Will end criminalization of youth by: Divesting from the school police budget and reinvesting in Restorative Justice and real school safety.
• Is local (deeply knows and loves Oakland) and will stay long-term (at least 5 to 10 years).
• Has a demonstrated track record of improving student outcomes in OUSD and is able to work effectively with the Oakland Board of Education and all stakeholders.

We have an urgent need to get this on everyone’s radar. You can do this by:
• Signing this petition to make your voice heard now and get updates
• Share this information with others! Repost the infographic and petition to your facebook page
• Email and call board members to demand accountability to this vision
• Mobilize to Board meetings and community forums – to ensure we get the right leader for our district!

The Justice for Oakland Students Coalition: Is a group of deeply concerned students, parents/families, educators, and community organizations - including Oakland Kids First, Parent Leadership Action Network (PLAN), Black Organizing Project (BOP), Parents United for Public Education, and other groups – who came together to demand a new Superintendent that will ensure Black, Brown, and all High-Need students in OUSD get the high-quality education they deserve.
Oakland, CA, United States

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL



2017-01-26 15:27:30 -0800

1,000 signatures reached

2017-01-18 18:19:38 -0800

500 signatures reached

2017-01-17 19:40:27 -0800

100 signatures reached

2017-01-17 16:44:41 -0800

50 signatures reached

2017-01-17 15:32:36 -0800

25 signatures reached

2017-01-17 14:07:15 -0800

10 signatures reached