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To: Tulare County Supreme Court, Tulare County Child Protective Services, Visalia Child Psychiatrist

Justice for Yerin

[Stop Asian Hate]

Tulare County Supreme Court, CPS, and a Visalia child psychiatrist must be held accountable for their illegal and racist behaviors against Yerin and her mother who are Korean. Yerin's biological father is a repeated sex offender who escaped being in the sex registry with connections of his stepfather. Tulare County Supreme Court, CPS, and Visalia Child Psychiatrist accepted molestation as good parental behavior and created harm in Yerin's life. Yerin is only 7 years old. She has been in this environment since she was born, as her father planned a fraudulent marriage against her mother and sister, took their money (and their extended family's money), and intentionally made their lives miserable after fulfilling his Asian Fetishization as a white man. He had planned this with his current wife. Yerin's father beat and raped Yerin's mother repeatedly. Yerin's stepmother also beat Yerin's mother while she was pregnant with Yerin. They did not care about her as a fetus and they do not care about Yerin's well-being as a person.

Yerin's mother was falsely diagnosed with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) by a Visalia Child Psychiatrist. She had no rights or proper methods of diagnosing Yerin's mother with this serious disorder. This was hyped by the airing of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's documentaries and Hulu Series, The Act. She spread false information and confidential information about Yerin's family to third parties that were not involved in this case. When confronted about her illegal behaviors, she blocked Yerin's mother. Yerin's mother had asked for her to sign Disability Documents as mothers diagnosed with MBPS cannot work at a preschool where Yerin's mother was working at the time. This proved that Yerin's mother does not have MBPS along with 2 psych evaluations. This Visalia Child Psychiatrist cannot have children and she often keeps children over the age of 18, while creating conflict between the children and their parents.

This false diagnosis came from Yerin's mother bringing Yerin to the Emergency Room and to pediatricians when Yerin came home from visitation with swollen genitalia, three times the normal size, along with urine/fungal infections that a child her age should never have (18 months +). Yerin also showed masturbating behaviors, which she said were taught by her stepmother.

Tulare County Supreme Court Judge
- This racist, white nationalist, and corrupt family court judge gained her position through the power of her father who was also a judge in the same system.
- There was tangible evidence of Yerin's biological father committing disgusting sexual crimes against minor children, under the age of 14, within the last 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, and 30 years, but she ignored them and gave him full custody.
- She ignored holding Yerin's father accountable when he attended limited mediation meetings or visitation. She gave him all the power at court, not letting Yerin's mother speak for herself. She only gave opportunities for the father and his white attorney, power to speak for themselves, which they spoke no truth.
- Allowed racist comments against Yerin's mother from Yerin's father's family, such as "go back to China," "Trump will deport you, North Koreans," and so much more, while Yerin's mother could not even mention the word, "dad" to Yerin or anyone. There were multiple penalties towards (eg losing full custody, supervised visits) Yerin's mother but no penalty was given to her father when he spoke racist comments, including "a half-white child should not be raised by a non-white."
- She never lets Yerin's mother speak at court, and continued hearings multiple times.
- Yerin's father's attorney wrote court orders. The orders the attorney wrote, were very condescending and confusing, in which when Yerin's mother and others misinterpreted it, they punished her by taking away more visitation rights and parental rights.
- There is a community of mothers of color who lost custody after getting assigned to this particular judge.

Tulare County CPS
- CPS social workers knew that Yerin's father had committed multiple sexual offenses against minor children and said nothing about it because he was not in the registry.
- They recommended that he was a warm father and caretaker even though he admitted to sexually assaulting/molesting young children. They thought he would not do that to his own child even though that was the reason they were visiting him.
- There is no connection between the evidence and the decisions they made.

Yerin went to the Emergency room and pediatricians because of her abnormal and swollen genitalia along with vaginal/urine infections that are not common at her age. Yerin's mother was accused of being abusive when taking care of her daughter. The Judge, CPS, and the Psychiatrist took this as an opportunity to take custody of a half-white child, away from a non-white mother.

Why is this important?

Tulare County is a prime region for Asian Hate Crimes, especially blatant racism shown at Tulare County Supreme Court. Yerin's biological father requested to move to Alabama, where he will find a community of pedophiles, where he will objectify his own daughter with his Asian fetishization and well-noticeable pedophilia.
The Court will let this happen, as the judge never held the father accountable for breaking court orders or letting him make his own court orders with his attorney.

Yerin needs her mother, her Asian heritage, and her sister. Her father was not there when she was born when she was named when she was fed. He popped in the middle when he needed her for his reputation, to gain credibility around young children. He has a serious mental issue and with his records of sexually abusing and molesting his 3 sisters throughout his adolescence, and others throughout his life, he should not have been awarded custody.

Yerin is in serious danger and she does not deserve this.
Please help the Lim family. The next hearing is May 10th, which will likely allow Yerin's father to move to Alabama with Yerin and his deranged and racist wife. They will raise Yerin to be a white nationalist, racist (1% Asian in AB), abuse her in many ways, find solidarity with other pedophiliacs and incests in Alabama, and make sure she despises her mother.

Yerin's mother is a US citizen, same as her father and stepmother. She deserves equal treatment in court, which was not granted due to her race and gender. This is not acceptable.
Porterville, CA 93257, USA

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2021-05-09 08:51:46 -0700

Mothers are strong and beautiful ♡
Struggles are nationwide.
Stop judges from ordering gag orders.
They must be exposed and criticized, every step of the way. If you didn't want to hear it, why did you do it?

2021-05-08 09:45:45 -0700

The Visalia Child Psychologist knows that Yerin’s father and stepmother are incompetent and uneducated. She has a savior complex where she thinks that Yerin is her child and no one else can have “control” over her or over her life. She wants to make sure that she can continue to have this full control over Yerin’s life so she can later “thank” her and be “her best friend.” Of course, she would need to keep her as a patient for more than 7 years and make excuses to do so in order to make money. She loves attention and thinks she can replace Yerin’s mother. The only way she can achieve her goal is to make sure Yerin’s mother does not have any legal custodial rights of Yerin so she can keep her narrative and to make sure Yerin has no other mother. Her speculations are daydreams and fantasies that cannot be backed up by anything.

2021-05-08 09:41:32 -0700

Why the Visalia Child Psychologist is committing Hate Against Asians:

- She calls herself a “minority,” a “person of color”
- She treats her white parents like her friends while spreading rumors about parents of color
- She is micromanaging Yerin’s mother because since she is an East Asian woman, she views her as a child, not a parent
- She is heavily coaching and alienating Yerin from her Asian family

She also breaks the law:
- It is illegal for therapists to see patients over 7 years in CA, but she lures parents in, to have a stable job
- She illegally and falsely diagnosed a mother of color (Yerin’s mother) with a serious mental disorder without proper screening, but she cannot treat adults either
- She does not value Confidentiality Laws of CA or the US and spreads rumors all over town about things that are not sure, all emotionally
- She is a narcissist and day-dreamer who does not distinguish between reality and fantasies

2021-05-07 21:40:39 -0700

Yerin's stepmother impersonated an Asian woman, "Bae Chin." This is deranged and racist behavior, which goes against Resolution SR12.

Thousands of people have been sharing Yerin's story because what happened at court the past 3 years is blatantly WRONG, UNETHICAL, and ILLEGAL. It is THEIR RIGHT to speak up and advocate for what they want to advocate for. What happened to Yerin's family is a HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION. This campaign was investigated and reviewed by many people and deemed CREDIBLE with evidence given. This story has been reviewed by various political officials, attorneys, critics, and organizations.

2021-05-07 21:34:51 -0700

Yerin's father and stepmother filed the campaign social media posts to court and are blaming Yerin's mother to further retaliate against her. The campaign does NOT involve Yerin's mother. The Visalia Child Psychologist filed the petition to court. They do not have any evidence against Yerin's mother to take custodial rights so they are trying to "make a case" by saying she "disbobeyed court orders." They are now saying that "Yerin does not want to see mom."

There was no gag orders.

This is an act of Asian hate that is condemned by CA state laws -- Resolution SR12. Again, the judge does NOT listen to Yerin's mother at court. THEY ARE DISOBEYING SO MANY STATE and FEDERAL LAWS. They set up Yerin's mother to fail at court.

2021-05-06 23:59:53 -0700

Yerin and Mom Bonding ♡

2021-05-06 23:01:05 -0700

Have you heard of a case where a mother lost custody of her daughter because she talked back to a group of white folks? And gets told that she lost custody because "she cannot understand how to be accountable," meaning to not reveal the truth when she has been wronged by people of a "superior race" than her?

Welcome to this case: L vs. E

2021-05-06 20:34:09 -0700

When the judge, paternal white attorney, and therapist took away custody from Yerin's mother, Yerin had forgotten how to write, read, tell time, in English and in Korean from the trauma. What they did/are doing is unethical and illegal. The nation is on their case.

During supervised visits, Yerin's mother helped her recover these lost skills by encouraging her. Yerin had high anxiety from not being able to remember anything and the only person she could open up to was her mother, whom she was forcefully separated from. Yerin's mother is loving. She saw these frustrations and supported her in re-learning everything. This behind-the-scenes love and hard work is the reason why Yerin has the courage and confidence to do well. This comes from Yerin's mother's experience as a mother and teacher.

2021-05-06 19:11:02 -0700

The Therapist further states in her most recent declaration:

"I have grave concerns that nonprofessionals such as church members or family friends would not be able to stop [Yerin's mother] from engaging in inappropriate and potentially dangerous behaviors, which may include her taking [Yerin] and refusing to return her to her custodial parent."

Yerin's mother is not a child nor is she an unreasonable person. She does not have a mental disorder and she is not trying to film a movie here. This is far reached from reality, as this Therapist cannot separate herself from reality and fantasy. Yerin's mother never tried to flee nor has she ever fled the State of California. She has respect for court orders and the law. Though it is clear as day that she is in an unfair situation, she blamed no one and found ways to cope. Yerin's mother must be respected, and she is respected by highly educated professionals other than these few young-minded white folks.

2021-05-06 18:25:46 -0700

The reason that Yerin is thriving academically is because during supervised visitations, Yerin's mother wants to make sure Yerin has access to after-school education. When Yerin asks questions, her mother provides answers and helps her with math, writing, and critical thinking skills. They only have two hours to build a relationship with each other and to make sure Yerin is not falling behind. However, for three years, these precious moments built up Yerin's academic skills and ability to succeed in social and academic settings, because Yerin feels love and validation when she is with her mother.

Because "others" did not have a childhood filled with love, they do not understand how valuable this experience is for children, for Yerin. No one thrived academically in the paternal side of Yerin (biological). Yerin's mother went to a prestigious university in Seoul and taught children for 25 years. She is currently continuing her education in Early Childhood Education.

2021-05-06 18:11:46 -0700

Yerin's mother has no relation to this campaign :)))

2021-05-06 17:35:20 -0700

In 2019, Yerin's mother requested the Visalia Child Therapist to sign disability documents as MBPS patients cannot work. This Therapist falsely and illegally diagnosed Yerin's mother with MBPS but refused to sign any documents that legally stated that she had MBPS, which proved that she did not have MBPS and that she was using this to take custody away from a mother of color. She knows that what she did was wrong and the only thing that can provide satisfaction is to "punish" Yerin and Yerin's mother. Preventing Yerin's family from having a relationship with each other, to live together. She lies, gaslights, manipulates, and retaliates against Yerin's family.

It is not their fault that she has a fragile ego.

She then blocked Yerin's mother and they had no further contact with each other. She now states that Yerin's mother cannot "respect boundaries" which means no custody. This is not acceptable. This person has no sense of reason and accountability for their illegal actions.

2021-05-06 16:52:22 -0700

The Visalia Child Therapist (did not go to medical school, our mistake) discovered this petition and she filed this campaign to the court. She is furious! Again, we did not state ANY names and Yerin's mother did not know about this petition. She is just exposing herself and everyone involved.

She claims that Yerin doesn't want to live with her mother...
As a reminder, the last time she asked to live with her mother, everyone took her away from her mother.

Yerin's mother lost her job because of her false accusations and she should not be practicing right now. The rumors she spread, the emails she sent after 12 AM, are all evidence of incompetence and lack of professionalism. In attempts to making Yerin's mother "frustrated," she never uses Yerin's legal name, makes up a fake last name. She makes outdated claims from 2-3 years ago. Does not have a sense of time.

She filed to the court, retaliating against Yerin's mother, in attempts to punish her once again. It is a pattern.

2021-05-06 16:44:53 -0700

[05. 05. 2021] Sunday Journal Article Published:

ALL Evidence shared and reviewed. Thank you so much, Sunday Journal USA.

2021-05-04 19:52:27 -0700

5 more days until Yerin's father's white attorney and the white meninist/nationalist judge will retaliate against and talk all over Yerin's mother again! 🎉

Here is a similar judge: