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To: Mitch Landrieu (Mayor), Jason Williams, Stacy Head, Susan Guidry, LaToya Cantrell, Nadine Ramsey, Jared Brossett, James Gray

Keep New Orleans Water Public

We demand a special meeting to investigate the RFP to privatize the Sewerage & Water Board that was released on October 23, 2017 and the hiring processes at Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans.

We demand Mayor Landrieu and the New Orleans City Council Stop and Desist selling out New Orleans’ public water system to a private corporation. Keep New Orleans’ public water system accountable to people, not profit.

Why is this important?

Public water systems are a cornerstone of democracy. Public water systems are a city’s most valuable infrastructure. Handing over New Orleanians’ most valuable asset to a private company is an appalling abdication of public service.

There are more than 300 jobs at Seweragee and Water Board that need to be filled now. More than ever, it is clear New Orleans needs a real and urgent commitment to its public water system. We need true accountability for the management of our whole water system and our community needs jobs.

Instead of focusing on solutions to strengthen and reform New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board, Mayor Landrieu is selling out New Orleanians to the bottom line of private contractors and corporations.

Mayor Landrieu’s privately-contracted “Interim Emergency Management and Support Team” released an RFP on October 23rd that would privatize operations, management and multiple levels of water system positions through a public private partnership with a corporation for “up to three years.” On October 27th at a pre-bid meeting, the contractors asking about the RFP asked if their employees had to have valid Louisiana Drivers Licenses and professional certifications – they don't plan to hire locally. New Orleanians need jobs, right now!

New Orleans needs an accountable, transparent, high-functioning public water system and our community needs good, local jobs. We can work together on a win-win solution. A first step is stopping Mayor Landrieu’s takeover of Sewerage and Water Board—Don't take us back to 1898.
New Orleans, LA, United States

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2017-11-16 14:46:42 -0800

Major victories this week:

The RFP to privatize S&WBNO is currently on hold.
The Sewerage & Water Board agreed to the New Orleans Sewerage & Water Board Fight Back Coalition’s demand that a moratorium be placed on water cut offs for accounts in dispute due to wild overbilling.
Sewerage & Water Board and Civil Service hosted interview days to fill vacancies within the agency.
To address attrition, the Civil Service Commission approved raises for about ⅓ of Sewerage & Water Board employees.

2017-11-06 09:37:46 -0800

100 signatures reached

2017-11-05 12:08:03 -0800

50 signatures reached

2017-11-04 19:14:13 -0700

City Council has announced a special meeting for Tuesday, November 7th, for a time to be determined. I will email everyone on Monday when we confirm a time.

2017-11-04 16:07:06 -0700

25 signatures reached

2017-11-04 13:39:58 -0700

10 signatures reached