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To: Lawmakers Across the Country

Help Us End Hair Discrimination in the Workplace, Schools, and Pools

Vote YES on The CROWN Act

Why is this important?

Currently, it is legal to discriminate against a person in the workplace, schools, and/or pools because of their natural or protective hairstyle in all states except for California, New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Colorado, Washington, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, New Mexico, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon, Illinois, Maine, Tennessee, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Alaska, Michigan, Texas, Minnesota, Arkansas, Vermont, and New Hampshire. Hair discrimination remains a source of racial injustice with serious economic consequences for Black people. The CROWN Act corrects these racial injustice by making race-based hair discrimination illegal. 

Join the movement to shatter race-based hair discrimination by signing this petition.
Help us reach 1 million by spreading the word!

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The CROWN Coalition (Dove, National Urban League, Color Of Change, and Western Center on Law & Poverty) believes natural and protective hairstyles should be celebrated, not discouraged. For this reason, they are committed to Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural hair.

Senator Holly J. Mitchell was the first to introduce The CROWN Act (Senate Bill 188) in the state of California, the first state to sign the bill into law. New York was the second state to introduce the CROWN Act under the leadership of Assemblywoman Tremaine Wright (D-Bedford-Stuyvesant, Northern Crown Heights) and Senator Jamaal Bailey (D-Bronx, Westchester), and Governor Cuomo signed the CROWN Act into law on July 12th, deeming the legislation effective immediately. New Jersey became the third state to enact the CROWN Act. State Senator Sandra Cunningham (District 31) and Assemblywoman Angela McKnight (District 31) championed the legislation and Governor Phil Murphy signed the CROWN Act into law on December 19th, the one-year anniversary of the wrestling match where New Jersey high school wrestler Andrew Johnson's locs were forcibly cut off. The states of Virginia, Colorado, Washington, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, Nevada, Maine, Tennessee, Massachusetts, Texas, Arkansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont, and New Hampshire have also enacted the CROWN Act. Additional bills were signed in New Mexico, Nebraska, Oregon, Illinois, Louisiana, and Alaska that were inspired by The CROWN Act. A CROWN-inspired Executive Order is in place in Arizona and Kentucky. In addition, the CROWN Act has become law in fifty one (51) municipalities. 

In April 2024, the federal bill H.R 8191 was reintroduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by Congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) and S.4224 was reintroduced in the U.S. Senate by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) in May.

We won't stop until race-based hair discrimination is illegal nationwide. Join us in demanding our elected officials #passthecrown nationally!



2019-04-20 10:30:11 -0700

10 signatures reached