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To: Governor Phil Murphy, State of New Jersey

Diverse Appointments to the NJ Police Training Commission

Immediately appoint at least two African American NJ State residents to the Police Training Commission (PTC) for a full term each.

Why is this important?

The violence black people experience at the hands of police, and the racial disparity in incarceration rates in NJ is cruel, intolerably high, and must end. Inclusion of African Americans on the PTC allows representation for the most adversely affected community to help shape Police training and policy statewide. It provides African Americans with influence over creating and implementing changes to end systemic racism in policing, which leads to violence, including death, and over representation in prison and jail populations.
New Jersey, USA

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2020-06-09 10:31:10 -0700

100 signatures reached

2020-06-08 12:21:28 -0700

50 signatures reached

2020-06-07 14:37:29 -0700

25 signatures reached

2020-06-07 09:30:06 -0700

10 signatures reached