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To: Louisiana State Legislature

Let Kids Be Kids! Support SB 465

Please support SB 465 for a supportive and safe school environment.

Why is this important?

SB 465 is a recreation of Senate Bill 67 that received bi-partisan support in 2011, was supported by 17 of the current Senators and was unfortunately vetoed by Former Governor Bobby Jindal. SB 465 provides solutions based on recommendations from a Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Task Force that was established by SCR 101 of 2010 and will increase opportunities for students and reaffirm schools’ commitment to keeping children in school by using alternatives to suspension. Alternatives such as Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports, are not only more effective discipline methods, but they also result in higher attendance rates, improved student behavior, higher academic performance, and more positive overall school climate.

“With regards to suspensions of students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through third grade, data for the 2015 -16 school year reflects that 7,895 Pre-Kindergarten through third grade students were suspended out of school and 6,113 students were suspended in school.
Notable disproportionalities were documented:
• African-American students were suspended out of school at rates 2.5 times higher than white students, and at rates 1.5 times higher than the state average out-of-school suspension rate. Similarly, African-American students were suspended in school at rates 2.2 times higher than white students, and at rates 1.5 times higher than the state average in-school suspension rate.
• Students with exceptionalities eligible under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) were suspended out of school at rates nearly 1.5 times higher than students without exceptionalities.
• Students with disabilities eligible for Section 504 Individualized Accommodation Plans(IAPs) were suspended out of school and in school at rates 2 times higher those of students without Section 504 Plans.

Willful disobedience was the number one reason for suspensions for all grades.

SB 465 provides solutions to this problem based on recommendations from a Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Task Force of 2010 and findings of the ACSBD of 2016, which would:
1. Adds restorative justice and positive behavior interventions as alternative methods to be used in lieu of suspension
2. Remove the requirement that a parent-teacher conference must take place prior to the student being readmitted after he or she has been removed for the third time, and allows for that conference to take place after the return of the student
3. Requires that districts, in consultation with key stakeholders, create guidelines for reducing suspensions for “willful disobedience” not later than April 1, 2019
4. Decreases the number of days a student can be suspended out of school for minor disciplinary infractions
5. Limits school suspensions to no more than 10 days if a student is awaiting an expulsion hearing.
6. Requires school boards to publish student discipline policies and other related information on their websites

While disruptive students should face consequences, we need to ensure that those consequences are the most beneficial and effective for our children. Currently, schools are relying on out of school suspensions, which is an “easy-way-out” approach for both the troubled student and the school official. This legislation seeks to improve the way we handle children and to foster safer and more supportive school environments that allow children to thrive.

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2018-04-04 16:26:05 -0700

50 signatures reached

2018-04-02 18:01:48 -0700

SB 465, our school discipline reform bill is moving fast and Senator Bishop has asked for it to be heard in committee next Thursday April 5, 2018 at 1:00 PM. What We Need From You
1.) Email and Call the Senate Education Committee
Senator Dan "Blade" Morrish (Chairman)
(337) 824-3979
(888) 824-3979
[email protected]

Senator John Milkovich (Vice-Chairman)
(318) 676-7877
[email protected]

Senator Conrad Appel
(504) 838-5550
[email protected]

Senator Gerald Boudreaux
(337) 267-7520
(844) 885-6578
[email protected]

Senator Beth Mizell
(985) 839-3936
[email protected]

Senator Mike Walsworth
(318) 340-6453
(866) 518-8573
[email protected]

Senator Mack "Bodi" White
(225) 272-1324
[email protected]

2018-04-01 15:09:56 -0700

25 signatures reached

2018-03-31 19:14:37 -0700

10 signatures reached